Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Nowadays, there are lots of children who can get everything that they want. As for me, when I look back at my childhood, it sounds different from the other children today. Actually, I am jealous of them sometimes because the situtation in my childhood is not as good as in the past.

For instance, I can see that my cousin is holding the cell phone which is very expensive in the streets. And, I can hear what he is talking about in vulgar words. I had a dinner with my cousin in the resaurant. And he said some bad words in front of his mother, but his mother did not care about it very much.

When I was a child, I had been taught by my parents rigorously. My parents did not allow me to say some vulgar words in front of relatives and friends. If I did, they woud hit my mouth and did not let me have supper at night. However, I had to pick up my stuffs and tidy in my room. I asked my father to buy a cell phone for me, but my father rejected my requests, even for an electonic pencil.

To conclude, comparing with my cousin, there is a big difference between us. Now, he get everythings that he wants, goes out with friends for shopping and partieson weekends. But as for me, I am just working hard for my study and stay with my family at home. Althought my cousin's life is better than mine, I am happy to live everyday and study hard for my goal.